Sunday, January 16, 2011

Maybe It's Not My Weekend But It's Gonna Be My Year

I was trying to put something together but it turned out kinda nerdy hobo looking, haha. I was gonna change but I sorta like it and decided I needed a pet to go along with it. So I decided, what better pet for a hobo than a hedgehog? Yeah, awesome I know. Since I'm wearing my All Time Low band shirt, I figured I'd use them for today's tunes because I looooove them and it gave me a reason to youtube ATL videos. If you're also a fan, first off hi5! and you'll notice the pic doesn't match the song but both are ATL and awesome songs. If you're not a fan, well then ignore my ramble and just look at the clothes and watch the video and become an ATL fan!
Keepin' Warm with:
Jacket:Crazy-Corduroy Jacket
Shirt:\CHRONIC\ -All Time Low-So Wrong
Pants:[Sassy Kitty Designs] Unbottoned Max Studdend Low Jeans
Hair: [BUTT-ERR]-Covey in Umber
Skin: [Pacadi Skins]- Ariki Collection in Toffee
Glasses:Awesome Blossom-Not a Nerd Eyeglasses
Gloves:Sinistyle-Taped Fist
Shoes:Urban Bomb Unit-Pornstar Hi-Tops

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