You've likely already seen this, but just in case you haven't, I'm going to post it. :)
Dear Designer,
I am contacting you on behalf of Truth Hawks, who has started a short campaign to raise money for UNICEFs current Pakistan Flood Crisis Fund.
Truth is asking for designers to put an item out with part of the profits (any percentage) going to the charity. (Vendors provided upon request). The period of time will be from the 4th to the 19th of September 2010.
These items do not need to be new, although exclusive, exisiting, discounted, any items you are willing to offer will be welcomed! Please note that if your item is set up at the sim venue your mainstore lm should be included in the item, and your logo or brand name should be on the advert as seperate prims for lm dispensers will not be permitted at the venue.
Truth believes passionately in UNICEFs immediate response to each individual world crisis, and would love for you to join this campaign to raise money. He personally will be donating 100% profits of a hairstyle, and then doubling whatever money he raises with that hairstyle towards the cause.
He has said he will advertise the fund and the venue provided for designers to sell their items in in his update group for TRUTH (30000 members), and of course I will be enlisting the help of bloggers and designers to help spread the word.
Truth is offering a sim venue for people to sell their items but encourages them to sell them in their mainstores also.
The account that will collect the proceeds is Unicef Rainfall and Truth is willing to provide full records of transaction to the charity if necessary after the event.
Please feel free to contact one of us if you would like to be involved.
Note from Keira Seerose and Truth Hawks of "The UNICEF Project" (Project Donate)
UNICEF Project Application (Designers)
Your name:
Your brands name:
Your mainstore lm:
Any other designers within the brand:
How many items would you like to donate:
At what percentage (going to the charity:
Any other notes:
Please be warned you will need a group space!
UNICEF Project Application (Bloggers)
Your name:
Your blogs url:
How long has your blog been active:
Will you be available on the 3rd of September for pre-event access?:
Have you blogged about this event already?:
Please be warned you will need a group space!
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